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The sun is just shining out & the day will be lovely yet. the thermometer is up to 40° so we are warmer than its been for a long time. still we have plenty of snow yet. wont it seem good to see bare ground. I dream of it often.

I was sorry to hear Doris was sick, hope she is much better by this time & come out soon to see us. 

Mrs Morgan is still in the hospital (she that was Fannie Cammeron). she married that old man for his money, he went crazy & most killed her beat her over the head. I dont see how she ever could live with him. Mrs. Barry went up to New hamshire to visit them on her vacation last summer. she said then he had a crazy look, terrible dirty, it most turned her stomac to look at him at the table & when he looked at her he had that terrible crazy look in his eyes. Her daughter Irene Swanson was always opposed to her mothers marrying him. they sent him to jail probably he will end up in the insane asylum. she was his second wife. they thought he took her for the first wife he had his axe in the kitchen sharpening it, as he used to do all the time Mrs B was there he happened to take the blunt end, instead of the sharp end, otherwise it would been fatal. children going home to dinner so guess I will go down stairs. hope you are careful & not do too much till you get back your strength.

love Ma