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when the snow goes our regular man will come around after it. (Getchel), I have been downstairs after my mail & got a valentine from Miss Shieber, she always remembers me in holidays, a very generous, kind hearted woman. I hope by now you are much better with the house warmer & no more snow to go out in & Sidney to drive to his work Gertrude Ballantine is down with a grippy cold. Tom has given up his job there taking care that big estate. he got sick shoveling snow & is at home with his family I guess. they are none too happy over there living with their sister Miss Seriack they have fights dont all agree & its not all their sisters disposition.


Mrs Barry has met with a great surprise over her coat. it seems that that coat was taken by mistake & she was lucky to get it back yesterday. Joe Barrys wife took it & carried it home & left hers. there was lots of liquor there at the reception, she was the worst for drinking too much sort of dazed, so didn't know her own coat, took a great deal nicer one than her old shabby one. just as soon as she found out she brought hers our Mrs Barrys up to OHaras & Dora telephoned right up to us you better believe we were much pleased & so Bill Gebhart went right down & brought it up to her. we were much pleased you better