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Arlington, VA 
14 Jan 1945

Dear Ma:

It is our coldest night so far. Sid keeps coming in to report the latest therm. reading. It is below 20 degrees. He wants to sleep down stairs. We are about 55 degrees downstairs but between 30-40 up, and I don't know what it will be tomorrow morning. He has called up Russell out in Rock Creek to find his temp. It is 18 degrees there, the same as here. I hope you didn't get another snow. We had a lot of slushy snow last night but the streets are clear except in the country side and Sid managed to get away this morning.  Nothing more from our thefted specimens, tho they are working on a "lead", and I hope it brings back the stuff, but have little hope.  Dr. Metrone, the secretary of the Smithsoninan, is pushing it as hard as he can. They are "screening" a great many young chaps in a certain organization in which they believe the robbery had its origin. 

A package came from Lena for my birthday today, a durable shopping bag with a zipper top. It is certain to be very useful. I sent her the makings of a summer dress for Christmas. She always sends me a birthday, not a Xmas, present.

I have been at the museum as usual most of the day. It is nice to have Julia back. Rehdin - he is a Harvard man, his father used to be head of the Arnold Arboretum - had a first baby a few days ago, and we had quite a chat on it. He had a picture taken of it when only a little two day older - a mere elf. He is as happy as possible for a man who is nearly 40 and previously childless.

Doris got the book you sent. She is having two exams the very first day of mid years and is beside herself with