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E. W. Nelson U.S. Dept. Agriculture Washington D.C. Biological Survey 1 Indians. Cultivation Cornfield (3 [[?]]) San L. Potosí Mex 5/98 2 Sugar Cane field [[among?]] limestone rocks near Jilitla [[Xilitla?]] San L. Potosí [[?]] [[illegible]] 9% 3 & 4 Forest on hillslope near Jilitla, San L. Potosí (Humid-Tropical) 5 6 7 8 Round huts near Valles San L Potosí May 4/98 - 10 (17) Butt-thorn bush at [[?]] near [[?]] 11 (18) [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] tree
Transcription Notes:
San Luis Potosí
Xilitla is a mountainous area in San Luis Potosi, -under #2. Can't find any other town with a similarly spelled name. There is nothing that comes up for "Jilitta" or "Jilitla". What does come up in search for that is "Xilitla".