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Send some Miquihuana photos to Don Antonio Gallegos 38|1.4.00 46 ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺ 5 ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺ 2.30 ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺ 9.50 ones _____ guapilla (serves for fiber) leaves used for thatch & for making = mats & hats = soyate liso. 8000 ft. near Miquihuana 12 (19) and trop. scrub forest growth with pineapple-like under growth. Altamira May 19- 13 (1) view in Jaumave Valley Tam. showing characteristic vegetation 1/10 sec. exp. bright sun 14 (2) B[[?]] Mts. bordering Valley of Jaumave 1/10 sec. bright sun - 15 (4) Nest of Black Cap Gnatcatcher in acacia Bush. Jaumave Valley (No 3 light [[?]]) 16 (5) Agave (lechugilla) Jaumave Valley 12 ft high 1/3 sec, Early AM 17 (6) Thin leaved Agave (#4457) 1/5 sec. Early AM. near Miquihuana. 18 (7) Yucca-like plant 25 ft. high (#No. ) Miquihauna 19 (8) Agave (8-12 ft stem 100-200 leaves (1476 Very broad at bases & thin) #4476
Transcription Notes:
Tam. - Tamaulipas, MX