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soyate chino = #4497 = Cogollo - bunch of leave used for fiber making- 20(9) view on mt side above Miquihuana (8000ft.) showing pines on ridge & [[strikethrough]] yu [[/strikethrough]] Dasylirion-like plants 21(10) Agave 12-18 ft stems 30-40 leaves (Broad & [[strikethrough]] thick [[/strikethrough]] at base) 8000ft. near Miquihuana 22(11) 1/4 sec. View of Mts near 23(12) 1/3 sec. Miquihuana at 8500 ft. 24(13) Deer hunter } 1/100 sec.{Miquihuana 25(14) } 1/20 sec. } 26(15) slender leaved stump plant (#4480) 3/4 sec. cloudy 27(16) Droop Coned Dwarf Pine 7500 ft near Miquihuana Late P.M. 1/4 sec (#4501) 28(17) Jesus Barela Miquihuana, Tam. 12 sec. in room 29(18) view of Mts. from Miquihuana. cloudy 4 sec. 30(19) same as 29 with 2 sec. 31(20) spinning Maguey fiber at [[strikethrough]] Malaha [[/strikethrough]] Miquihuana.
Transcription Notes:
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Soyate - a kind of Yucca plant