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June 15

Bright sun 1/100 sec.
32(1) cording & pounding
33(2) cording & pounding
Maguey fiber 1/100 &c
34(3) weaving maguey fiber
35(4) sacking, [[strikethrough]] Mal [[/strikethrough]] Miquihuana
1/100 sec.
36(5) cleaning maguey fiber
37(6) from leaves, Miquihuana 3/4 sec
38(7) Palma Loca (Yucca) from
which fiber is made.
Miquihuana, 1/2 sec. cloudy
39(8) ---------- ?
40(9) Man gathering maguey leaves
41(10) group, Antonio, Canales, Miquihuana.
42(12) Young Geococcyx - 
Miquihuana (11 [[spired?]])
43(14) Barn Swallow nest sites - 10 sec.
44(15) Barn Swallow nest sites - 15 sec.
45(16) Barn Swallow nest sites - 5 sec.
Showing Enlarged base of new nest
when old one fell down. Miquihuana