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46 (1) View of Cerro El Nacimento [[Nacimiento]] at Miquihuana, 9000 ft, high S. slope: on N. slope are spruces &c near top. 1/20 sec, early a.m., 47 (2) Deer 2♂'s yearlings, Miquihuana 48 (3) 1/160 sec - 49 (4) }old woman No 4 = 1/2 sec.} clouds 50 (5) }old woman No 5 = 3/4 sec. }clouds send to Crispin Alcocer Miquihuana 51 (6) Cactus with Goldman Dry Arroyo - 1/100 sec. Bright sun. (No. ) 52 (7) House made of YUcca trunks & thatched with yucca leaves (1 stemmed species). 1/100 sec. Bright sun. 53 (8)Large dipodomys mounds with holes. Dry Arroyo. 1/100 sec, Bright Sun) 54 ( )
Transcription Notes:
dipodomys - type of rat - "Kangaroo rat?"