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29(2) Red barked Madrono
But 3 ft. diam. 30 ft high

30(3) Forest (Medium cone pine, spruce, aspen, lupins & white composite 10000 ft.

31(4) View from summit of Mt. Mohin [[Mohinora]]

32(5) Dwarf Pines (Med Cone) on summit of Mt. Mohinora 11000 ft.

33(6) Fir woods in Cañón N Slope Mt. Mohinora

34(7) Mixed pine & oak woods (Four alder on one edge) 8500 ft

35 & 36 (8 & 9) Cave with home of a Tahumar [[Tarahumara]] family at El Tule

37(10) Monument Rocks at El Tule
38 & 39 (11 & 12)  Lumholtz Pine 15 in at base 35 ft high

40-41 (13 & 14) Shows 3 species of pines (Long Cone, Lumholtz & Black pine)}

42(15) Pinus Lumholtzi 2 ft x 50}

43(16) Pino Real Big Cone & long leaves 30 in x 60 ft}

44 & 45 (1 & 2) Cañón scenes (El Tule) 

Transcription Notes:
Suspect canon is 'canyon' (perhaps there is a symbol above the first n?) *Tarahumara - an indigenous (Indian) group of people in Mexico. Mentioned on previous page.