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46 (3) View from cave mouth during shower 47 (4) Same as last 48 (5) Medium cone Pine 20 in X 75 ft. 49 (1) Family of Pedro Larquier 50 (2) Guadelupe y Calvo 51 (3) long leaved prickle-cone pine (near Ventanas) 52 (4) waterfall on trail near Las Ventanas 53 (5) mixed oak & pine & forest oak with long-ovate leaved mistletoe 54 (6) Long Cone pine Rancho Colorado 55 (7) Mt. Park, Rancho Colorado med cone pine 56 (8) Valley near Rancho Colorado 57 (9) Canon scene Rancho Colorado 58 & 59 (10 & 11) scene in mts. near Piedra Larga 60 & 61 (12 & 13) spruce covered slope near Piedra Larga 62 & 63 (14 & 15) Canon near Piedra Larga