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64 (1) Med. cone Pine. Cones in branches or single near ends of branches. Gn Julian Tree 3 x 80 ft
65 (2) Group of tall med cone pine Tree 2 ft x 125 ft. (in foreground)
66 (3) Cedar with parasites, club-leaved mistletoe
67 & 68 & 69 (4 & 5 & 6) Outfit near Cerro [[strikethrough]] negro [[/strikethrough]] Prieto
70 & 71 (11 & 12) Vista in Pine forest Cerro Prieto 
72 (9) Cerro [[strikethrough]] Negro [[/strikethrough]] Prieto from S.W.
73 (10) Pinon near Cerro Prieto
74 (7) Trail & outfit on Cerro Prieto
75 (8) View of Sierra Madre from top of Cerro Prieto
76 (13) Last Camp in Sierra Madre (7000 ft.) Bet. Cerro Prieto & La Providencia
77 (14) Canon near [[strikethrough]] Cerro P [[/strikethrough]] La Providencia
78 (15) Small Coned pine (18 in x 50 ft) near La Providencia 
79 (16) Foothills at Sta. Barbara scrub oaks & cedars. A walnut & silvery leafed bush in foreground.