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Arlington, VA.
21 Dec 1950

Dear Ma:

This isn't much of a Christmas letter as I am dashing it off while I am getting breakfast between boiling the eggs & setting the table. I am enclosing a check, which I hope you haven't felt the need of earlier.

It is cold - down to 16° now. Our house isn't over warm these days, tho I hav tried to keep it while Doris has been home with the cold. She went back to school yesterday & seemed none the worse for it.

We received our check back from Lindelof who said the Bruces had made some payment on the bill and were going to pay it. So that is all right now.

We are going over to Helen's tonight - haven't been the whole week. Doris is invited to some G.W. affair by young Mike. She is quite happy over it. Her classes at G.W. are over today and her school tomorrow. So then she will settle down to writing 3 long term papers as her fancy work for the vacation. 

Mr. Weisz asked us over Sat p.m. to a little supper. He wants to give us a Christmas tree, as he has them on his place. They always want us to come at Christmas time. Sophy insisted we go over to her apt last night ... she is leaving for a week at home. So she ladled out a spread too and I feel this morning that I shouldn't have eaten it. Doris only nibbled on a sweet as she felt her cold wasn't quite over. 

Now Sid is all thru his bath and shaving and I must rush. Merry Christmas -- wish we could be there - 
