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I hope the Bruces payment to Linderloph since it were settled is cleared up now for good. everything seems all well and good as far as I can see.

I shall be glad when you get your xmas all settled & that it only comes once during the year they make too much of it. Thanksgiving used to be the day when I was a girl, they made the most of.

The sun is shining out so bright now I have got to move my chair back from the window in order to see to write the letter.

Bertha sent us so much grape sauce its hard to get rid of (three quart jars). I I used to get current of her mother, when she was alive.  they had quantities of fruit down on the old farm. the same as my folks did up to my mother grapes down back of the house & back of the barn. my mother always made barberry sauce I would like to taste of it now I used to pick them over & she would put sweet apple & molasses they were cooked in, it used to taste good with meat victules. Horace used to make it in their wash boiler they were so fond of it. now a days we never hear of people doing anything with them.

I seldom care for cheese these days mother used to have her closet in the pantry full of them. they dont taste like the ones she used to make. nothing tastes as it usted to I guess my appetite has gone back on me. well its dinner time so now I will quit


Mrs Barry is to sing in the quire Christmas Eve. her minister asks her to this morning