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Arlington, Va.
15 July 1951

Dear Ma:

It continues very hot & muggy.  This morning early we had a brief thunder shower with some rain that wet down the surface, but hot scorching sunshine quickly dried it up.  
 I am so tired tonight that at 7:30 I am in my nightdress, and only the idea of lying in a hot bed ~ that is having part of my body against a surface -- keeps me up.

Charlie came last night at 5:30 ~ we went down to the station to meet him.  He is about Doris' size, dark eyed, looks about his eyes like his mother, Mary Beals, but the lower part of his face is not like hers, probably his father.  We brought him home via the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, thru Ft Myer.  I had a good supper. and afterwards we sat cooling off on the front piazza till nearly 10 o'clock.  This morning we got up early, and as it was rainy didn't start off quite as early as we had planned, but when it stopped we started at about 9 o'clock for Plum Point and arrived with the sun shining on the beach and no one else there.  We tramped up the long beach and Sid let us stop at the fossil cliffs, where we had a good swim.  The [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] stinging jelly fish were not as plentiful as the last time we were there and the water was very warm and delightful.  Charlie and Doris did all sorts of water stunts, showing what they could do, I suppose.  He seems like a good natured, bright young fellow.  I think he had a very good time.  He entered into all our doings, helped pick blackberries on the way home and after we got home I [[strikethrough]] [[h?]] [[/strikethrough]] hurried about and got supper so he could catch the 6 o'clock train back to New Brunswick, N.J. about 5 hours from here.