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Stoughton July 1st 1951

Dear Doris. A stormy day & cool. We have had but few warm days. So far N East winds have cool us off yesterday I opened the little building to air for the weather reported thunder showers but we did not get anything only a few light showers' that was all right. it wet the ground & the little seedlings that were coming up in the garden, which I was very glad of. they seem to be doing very well, those constant showers, do them more good, than to water them by hand. I usually turn on the water from the icebox night, & morning, but didnt [[didn't]] this morning. on account of the constant showers we had during the night. no lightning thank the Lord. Blanche Hammond came to see us yesterday. I hope she doesnt [[doesn't]] come again right away I rather see the Devil anytime. no one likes