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Stoughton April 15th 1951

Dear Doris.
   It is a pleasant Sunday & quite warm. I was hoping it would be a nice day, as the paper said cloudy and showery. since we have had so many warm showery days our foliage has come forward very rapidly. our forcythia bushes are in full bloom all around our house. & the daffodils also. grass is also growing. We think it was very funny Maudes death wasnt put in any of the papers. Bertha Upham was her forth full friend clear to the last & she was the one who notified all her family thats were around. the poor thing went through lots of trouble but had the disposition to stand it. I hope she is happy to meet them all. We hear the Hospital has again changed hands. it is not so lighted up as when the others were there at night. Bill Schillings came over last night; he cam early but I went of to bed and left him here around eight Oclock & slept as I lay awake the night before a great part of the