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(c) Ability to interest students in chemistry
The precise number of Mrs. Kilbourne's students who have majored in chemistry is not known at this time, but a significant enough number os such students are known to me to make this area of her qualifications important. It might bear further research if this would be helpful.

(d) Extra-curricular work
She has served as a science education specialist with the Food and Drug Administration, Dept. H.E.W.. This work resulted in a publication that has been used in many schools throughout the country.
She has an enviable record in the number and quality of her students who have participated in science fair projects, many of whom have carried this particular work into graduate college work.
The science club of Anacostia has actively served the school for many years under her leadership. To date, this is the only club in the D.C. school system that has put on an awards dinner at the school for outstanding science students.
She has had more honorable mention and winners in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search than any other teacher in the D.C. school system over the past 17 years. For a number of years she has organized and conducted a seminar at Anacostia High School for talented students, involving the community of scientists and engineers in more than counseling on careers. These seminars preceded the present N.S.F. Joint Board sponsored summer research participation program for talented students and resulted in many students working in research laboratories during summer months.

(e) Willingness to keep up-to-date
1958 General Electric Fellowship - Union College
1959 N.S.F. Institute - Recent Advances in Chemistry and Physics. The American University.
1963 N.S.F. Institute - Physics. Franklin and Marshall
1964 N.S.F. Institute - Advanced Chemistry. Bowdoin College
You will note: (a) her willingness to study out of her field, (b) she has really applied what she learned at these institutes in teaching, (c) N.S.F. Institutes now seem closed to her and others after three such.

She is presently teaching a course in Advanced Placement Chemistry, using Sienko and Plane, [[underline]] College Chemistry [[/underline]] as the text. Any college accepting a student for this course would find them well prepared for advanced placement in a chemistry placement. 

Mrs. Kilbourne is an excellent teacher. She has written material in her field. Extra-curricular activities in science receive her encouragement and support. She has continued her own education. Membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Washington Philosophical Society attest to her professional interests. She makes her students read the Journal of Chemical Education and other scientific journals as part of their learning.

I believe Mrs. Kilbourne richly deserves your serious consideration. Please let me know if I can help further.

Sincerely yours,
Keith C. Johnson
Supervising Director