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October 10, 1966

Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne
5504 23rd Place
Hillcrest Heights, Maryland

Dear Elaine:

Alice and I were pleased to read that you were awarded the American Chemical Society's James Bryant Conant Award for High School Chemistry teaching. I am sure that no science teacher is better qualified and more deserving of this esteemed award. I recall that my happiest and most informative hours were in your classes. Perhaps you were the reason that I selected a scientific career. Although I have not as yet been fortunate enough to aid science students with scholarships, I hope someday to do so. 

If I can be of service to you or Anacostia High at any time, please do not hesitate to call. 

With kindest regards, 
John Huminik, Jr. 
JH: lb


Leo Roon
7911 Herschel Avenue, La Jolla, California 92037
October 24, 1966

Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne
Teacher of Chemistry
Anacostia High School
Washington, D.C. 

Dear Mrs. Kilbourne:

It is with a great deal of pride that I read in Chemical and Engineering News that you are among the thirty-one who were signally honored at the September National Meeting in New York for outstanding work in the field of Chemistry. 

As a member of ACS for over fifty years, may I be permitted to add my heartfelt congratulations to the many others that I am sure you have received. 

The honors which may have been awarded to you and the others are the result of years of intensive study, fruitful research, and mature judgement. Fundamentally, it all began at your University of which I am sure you are justifiably proud and to which you feel indebted. 

As a former teacher and later an executive in the chemical industry, I am deeply concerned with what is happening at many of our universities such as is illustrated in the enclosed. When the university becomes the platform and the football for political action, high prestige developed over many years and fine educational standards, unfortunately, deteriorate very fast in the atmosphere of confusion, disrespect, and violence as is the case in point. 

As respected leaders in your field, I earnestly hope that you will make every effort to maintain the wonderful academic, educational, and scientific spirit as well as the atmosphere of dignity and decency at your university which contributed so much toward the attainment of your present sucess. 

My best wishes for continued success. 

Sincerely yours, 
Leo Roon
