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February 7, 1967

Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne
5504 23rd Place, S. E.
Washington D. C.

Dear Mrs. Kilbourne:

First, let me add my congratulations to the many I know you have received because of your selection as one of the six first Conant Award winners. As a fellow teacher, I am pleased that the chemists of America, through their professional society, are recognizing you with this award for your fine teaching. 

The Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society is that Division of the Society which is most directly concerned with teaching and with education generally. The Executive Committee of the Division has asked me to arrange, if possible, a small, informal dinner at Miami where they can meet with you. The purpose would be not only to honor the six of you, but also to explore with you your ideas as to what the Division might now be doing in the area of high school chemistry. As you surely know the Division has been active with Summer Institutes for more than a decade. We have been concerned also with the newer curricular developments in chemistry instruction. The members of the committee would like to meet with a small group of selected teachers so that we can swap ideas in a leisurely manner. 

Would it be convenient for you to have dinner with us as our guest on Saturday evening, April 8, 1967? I realize that some of you may not have planned on coming to Miami that early. (I can testify that the sun and the beach in Miami will be excellent in April. You may wish to enjoy a leisurely Sunday at Miami Beach). If this involves expenses beyond that which you have planned, we would be quite willing to pay an additional day's living expenses for you. If Saturday evening is not convenient, or is impossible for you, please let me know as soon as possible, so that we can explore alternatives. 

I should add also that the Divisional Dinner is on Tuesday evening, April 11. We would like to have you attend this function also as our guests, but the nature of this dinner is such that it will not lend itself to any discussion. Professor Louis Fieser of Harvard will be the speaker.