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I do hope that we can arrange a discussion meeting in Miami. At any event, please let me know your reactions to this and your feeling about the time.

Most sincerely,
John F. Baxter
John F. Baxter
Professor of Chemistry


American Chemical Society
Office of the Executive Secretary
B.R. Stanerson Executive Secretary. R.M. Warren Assistant to the President 
1155 Sixteenth Street NW Washington DC 20036 Republic 7-3337 ac 202

February 27, 1967

Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne
5504-23rd Place, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20031

Dear Mrs. Kilbourne:

We are very pleased to learn that your mother will accompany you to the meeting in Miami Beach. Enclosed are your registration badges, and your tickets to the Award Reception and Dinner. Mrs. Muller will be seated at a reserved table in front of the head table.

Dr. Burt C. Pratt, Executive Secretary, Committee on Educational Aid, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Inc. will present the award to you. 

We look forward to meeting you on April 10!

R M Warren
