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423 West 120 Street
New York 27, N.Y.
October 16, 1963

Dear Mother,

Enclosed is a check for $20.

We heard of Jack's uncle's sickness too. I guess it is pretty serious.

The warts are on my right thumb. Those objects on my chest are known as moles. Warts are caused by viruses. Moles are more mysterious they do tend to disappear as one grows older.

Today has been very hectic. I just got home at 5:45 after a full day of calculating & attending classes at the medical center. Now I am under the dryer after washing my hair. That will be done in the nick of time to prepare dinner & then go to evening class. When I come home we will have a visitor from out of town, an old friend of Jack's named Pete.

Last week end we went out hiking on Sunday with Pete & the Harrises. We climbed a small mountain, a fair feat, & ate a picnic lunch. That same evenin, the N.Y. state parks were closed because of the dryness of the underbrush and danger of fire. It was a lovely day altho' the foliage has suffered from the drouth.

We're celebrating our friend Alfred's birthday by a dinner at a French restaurant tomorrow night - a surprise administered by us & his girl friend. Friday we are invited to the International House by my Chinese girl friend Lily (recently married to an American).