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October 10, 1963

Dear Mother, 

Your letter did zip up here! It arrived on the 9th.

It seems to us that you should go ahead and rent to Mrs. Handy if she seems reliable about paying the rent, which I gather she does.

The alternative, waiting for a major repair by Kimtis, would probably not still give you a higher rent, since the more fundamental repairs, the addition of a furnace -- would still not be put in, & that is the main thing which keeps the home from being modern. Therefore, since you evidently don't want to make that big repair, you should concentrate on getting a little money out of the place for a change, namely by renting as soon as possible. If Kimtis does the sills, which I assume are in bad shape, that will be enough for the present. When & if those tenants leave, you can do something else, perhaps at a better season of the year.

Love, Doris & Jack