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                                                  18 July 1973

Dear Doris:

           I was distressed to hear from your last letter how badly disappointed you were not to get either of those two jobs. You certainly are competent enough, but I suppose they had other people more closely connected with them that they knew. Mrs. Paulso is a woman here that works near me and often comes into my office to bring the lizard dandelions, and she was telling me recently of her daughter who has just had a baby. She had been working at the South Sea Sport Museum, down near Fulton Fish Market. It may be some time before she can get back to work if ever. I wish you could get a job there, it would be interesting. Margaret Paulson Falk is her name and her husband is a well-to-do lawyer, so she doesn't need to work but she loved her job.

                Dolores and Nick brought their whole family and one extra down to sightsee over the Museum yesterday and visited my room to see the lizard. When they went home they took me and one of my plants that I wanted to set out in the garden for the summer. Dolores looks pretty small and thin. SHe suffers so much from that arthritis. Elrie has It too. There doesn't seem to be anything that helps them much and they are dosed steadily on many aspirin pills, to relieve the pain.

               I trust that by now your husband's arm is healing up and that he can get back to work again.

               I enclose a clipping that may interest you about one of your old friends.

                        Love and best wishes, 
To daughter Doris