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July 12, 1973
Dear Mother,
I'm afraid the news this week is poor. Last week Dean scratched himself on something on his upper arm and it became infected. Within days there was a huge pustule on it. He has been to the hospital almost every day this week for shots and dressings, and yesterday they wanted to admit him for two weeks. So, instead, he went back to the old doctor nearby who treated him once before and the man is supposed to operate on him today. The doctor told me it was gas gangrene, which I guess is fairly serious. So he has been in pain and we have been both worried for almost a week. At least this way he can stay out of the hospital and get well sooner. I don't have much faith in the hospital -- this is the second time they messed him up and the doctor had to get him well. It is an unfortunate expense when he should be out working, but at least he will be able to work earlier than two weeks hence if he does this.

I continue to look for work. The two jobs I was interested in turned out not to be available, but I interviewed for two others yesterday and today, and last night learned at PHP that a statistician's job was available in an agency. I will go there tomorrow. SOmething has got to turn up if I keep looking this hard.

No, there is no possibility of taking a vacation the way things are going these days. There is too much to do and I must keep on hammering to get another job.
