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213 East 89th Street
New York, New York 10028
June 28, 1973

Dear Mother,

This has certainly been the rainiest spring on record. It rains almost every day, including today. That has put a damper on Dean's businesses but he has gone on about it nonetheless, bringing home a few dollars a day after being rained out much of the time. He got his license just after I wrote you last week, almost two weeks after has had taken his medical exam.

I hope the little lizard has recovered. I'm afraid I hadn't remembered that he has been operated upon.

I'm still considering two job openings. This afternoon after work I'll be interviewed for one of them, at a neighborhood center in my neighborhood. The secretarial occupant there has to write monthly and annual reports as well as her usual business working for the directors of the center. The other job jhasn't [[hasn't]] firmed up yet, since the person who would be my supervisor won't come on his job until July 2. That job is with Planned Parenthood and involves some statistical work as well as secretarial duties. I really don't know which one to prefer. There has originally been a third job possible, with editorial possibilities, and I really preferred that one; unfortunately, I hlearned [[learned]] today that someone had been promoted to it from the inside.

There isn't too much other news at the present.

