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24 May 1973
Dear Doris:

I was relieved to get your letter. As I grow older I worry over things more, and when I don't hear from your I think of all that might have happened to you. I hope that you do get the new job and have some fun out of it. All work and no play isn't good for anyone.

It is still eastwindy here and rainy and chilly. But I found 2 spears of corn up yesterday and 2 summer squashes just appearing. The lima beans are sprouting but not yet really up and the tomato plants look in good shape, growing dark green and beginning to thicken up, so I guess in time thigs will get agoing.

My lizard has been worrying us all, he has a swollen hind foot that is badly infected. Ron, the chap at the Zoo, came over with a syringe and Dr. Zug held the little animal and I stroked his head and tried to cheer him up while Ron opened up the foot and pus came out, but much of it was so consolidated that he couldn't drain it off but he put a lot of antibiotic salve inside, and on the outside too, and said he would be over Friday to see how things are with him. I have had him in here at his usual window seat. He is lying there motionless, he did all day yesterday, not stirring about at all. But he is eating better -- he was not eating much before. I hand feed him clover leaves which he likes and he ate a lot of them yesterday.

I am trying to get things together to fly up next Wednesday on the 9.17 to Boston. I will return on the 2.15 June 6th. Mr. Winn will see to my house. He is sharing the garden and will be coming thru the yard daily. I hate leaving it vacant, it isn't safe. Elsie is going to stop to get me next Wed. so that I shall get in by 7.30 in plenty of time. Do write to me at 212 Seaver St. Stoughton, care Leonard Hapworth. I plan to work some days at the Museum of Comparative Zoology. And if it gets too cold in the old barn I'll just go to bed to keep warm - I did last year.

Dolores called up as usual. She sent me the receipt for the Pumpkin Cake, which Elsie wanted to get. I'll enclose a copy for you.

Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest nights.

With love

To Daughter Doris