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                                            17 May 1973
Dear Doris:

No news yet from you this week, but I am hoping that you are all right, maybe extra busy, possibly in a new job? Whatever it is, don't use yourself up over it. Are you still going evenings to the clinic. That in it'self makes a pretty long, hard day. It is a good thing that Dean can cook and get things done so you won't have so much work when you finally get home.

I finally got my garden harrowed, but it was still too wet and the result is that it is full of lumps, the worst planting I ever had, but I put in about 2 dozen tomato plants, planted 3 rows of string beans and 4 rows of lima beans, some summer squash and corn. I haven't put in the winter squash seeds yet. It has been pretty chilly the last 2 nights, in the 40s, and that say another cold wave is on the way -- from warnings for West Virginia to-night, 37 in Chicago. Between the floods and the frosts I don't believe we shall have much of a harvest of anything. I hope my apples don't get frozen, I have a lot of them coming along.

Elsie has just telephoned that she is down with a flu like cold and is feverish and achey, and is staying in bed. So many are stillhaving this sort of thing. I think my attack last winter, bad as it was, did something to immunize me this winter, for I haven't had even a cold, though a lot of the hayfever during the pollen time, which was just as uncomfortable, thought I had no fever.

We have a new man coming sometime in the Reptile division. He is to be here for a few days next week. He and Zug, Dr. Peters' assistant, will alternate in being supervisor, neither over the other in rank. I like Zug and he looks after me. I hope this Heyer man will be as nice.

Now I must get back to my beetles. The entomologist at the British Museum is sending me about 60 of their specimens to work on, and I have my hands full. don't know as I shall ever be able to finish this job!

Now take care of yourself,
With love

Transcription Notes:
Next to the last exclamation point in the last paragraph, would that be transcribed as a line or an exclamation point?