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213 East 89th Sreet
New York, New York 10028 
April 24, 1973

Dear Mother, 

It is coatless weather now. Warm and rainy every other day.

We had a pleasant weekend. Dean is going into the wig peddling business; he bought about 15 wigg on Friday and sold ten of them on Friday and Saturday, at a profit of 3 to $5 a wig. It is good weather for him to be out now that the chill is off the air. 

We also finally got good rings, $5 and solid gold in a pawn shop. Ever since I bought the dime store variety of ring I had been wanting a good one. 

He also bought his summer wardrobe, a few shirts and a couple of pairs of pants, yesterday. When I came home I found he had done the laundry, washed his five or six pants and six shorts, and was waiting with the dinner foods out. He has a good wardrobe now and I will try and get a few things for myself before long. it is very easy to make a mistake on the typewriter, as you see, and I have to be very careful when at work-- the electrics go so fast. But I don't make mistakes like these!

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but an invention I made back in 1968 is now in the works, with a patent attorney. He has just about finished the patent search and says everything looks good. It is a strap-holding device which should sell for about a dollar, and the attorney suggested the clasps for it, for which he will expect somewhat more than the customary 15% of profits. He will market the device after the patent application has been made. He says that we will get 5% of gross sales when the thing has been sold to a company, and believes it will sell. Well, I can hope for the best, it was worth the try. 

Well, that is about all for this week.

