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April 9, 1973

Dear Mother,

I'm not sure if I wrote last week -- perhaps I did not, in which case I'm sorry.

Things are turning a little spring-like, but we like so much of the country have suffered from an excess of/j rain. I had a leak in the bedroom which came pouring in one night from a hole in the roof.

We have a new landlord. He came over and got acquainted with us last week, spending several hours of sociability. He is a nice man, a formed Ph.D. in  [[strikethrough]] p  [[strikethrough]] literature and now in business, but never before in the landlord business. We dis-cussed literature and writing (he is coming out with two business books this year) most of the time. Unfortunately, he would like us to move to another apartment, probably, in the future, which would be rather inconvenient. He would move us, of course, and will have quite a lot to do to make it up to us as well as we have it in the present apartment. After all, I sanded the floors repeatedly and covered the floor without any help from the landlord; I had an air conditioner installed, etc. But he is certain to do things too, he indicated.

Before we have to move, though, the plaster damage and other repairs will be installed by the landlord. He cannot raise our rent, and I think we may even be able to lower it -- we got a Maximum Basic Rent notice in the mail that said all we had to pay was $148 -- and we are paying $181 now! I must inquire, because he said something about the MBR being a top rather than a bottom limit to what he could charge. I'll check with other tenants in the house too.

I hope you did not [[strikethrough]]jl[[strikethrough]] drown in the latest storms; was there not a hurricane or tornedo also in your area?
