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213 East 89th Street
New York, N.Y. 10028
March 21, 1973

Dear Mother, 

You are right, I have been busy on the income tax. I finished the Federal version yesterday and plan to do the state and city taxes today. We should be getting back close to $400.

I've also been busy with my word game. Chuck, the agent, wanted a large panel of puzzles, and I got him together 40 yesterday and will send the out today. 

Dean had to go (flew) to Detroit yesterday: he heard through Chuck that his first wife and her husband had been killed in an auto cash. As he is the nearest living relative to his children (twin boys and two girls), he wanted to see them then. He came back about 2:30 a.m., after having dinner with them and seen how the affairs lay. I think they are all in college now, expect for one who is married with a child. The two daughters he had by his second wife, [[strikethrough]] are both in medical school or interning. So he doesn't feel that they have been neglected. 

Nothing much going on. The weather is cold and blustery here lately, and it snowed, although through sunshine, on Sunday, not accumulating of course. 

Well, that will be all for now. I will have to find some work to do. 

