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                                                     8 March 1937

Dear Doris:

          The flags have been at half mast for the murdered ambassadors and yesterday when I went home, I saw the police at the Arlington cemetery all prepared for anything that might happen during the funeral. Here at the museum there is stringent inspection of everyone coming, even us old hands they require us to show our identification cards anyways. I suspect there is a lot going on that ordinary folks don't know about.

                 Here at the museum the Reptile Dept. is saying good-bye to Bob Tuck who leaves next week for 2 years in Tehran, and to Dr, Burger who is going for 3 years to Japan. He is taking a dozen rattlesnakes that are at present in the animal room well labelled so no one will open their cage; Who will replace them is still undecided. There are applicants for Jim's job which will have to be filled by an outsider as there is noone here left, but Bob's job must go to someone else in the Smithsonian, as they can't hire anyone new. I hate to see those two leave. Dr. Burger has been a good roommate for the past 6 months. I hope they don't kick me out --  I am not a reptillist, tho I do look after the lizard. Elsie says if they should I can share her room up stairs.

My crocuses and snowdrops are in full bloom, and the elm trees are budding out in this mild rainy spell. I planted my lettuce seed a week ago tomorrow. But it is so wet and the garden sea of mud that Mr Payne can't plow. Otherwise I'd get other early things started.

The widening of Glebe Rd. goes on, and I have to wade thru mud to get out of the yard. This morning the telephone people were working getting wires hitched up to the new poles. Mrs. Peacock came over to tell me all that is going to be, and to say the men now thought it would take at least a year more to finish up.

Here comes Dr. Burger, who is late coming but stays till 9.30 or 10 every night trying to finish up. I must get to work. I hope that all is well with you keeping well. Don't drink too much coffee or other stimulants, and rest as much as you can in your busy life.
                        With love,