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24 Jan. 1973

Dear Doris:

Another holiday tomorrow -- we had half day for Truman and all day tomorrow for L.B.J. I half expected a day for rejoicing for the Peace signing, and guess if it hadn't been on Saturday we should have had it. Nixon is doing his best to do the right thing.

I hope you get that statistical job. Maybe on will turn up later for you if you don't. Doesn't Columbia have some sort of job placement agency for statistical graduates? I wish you could have had that Public Health grant. It couldn't do any harm to try again for it this year though. Tell them how hard it is for you to find jobs for which you are fitted.

Did you ever get the xeroxed copy of the Turtle paper that I sent Jan. 3? Someone told me the reason for the slowness in the mails is that at Christmas time they couldn't hire any extra help as they usually do. At last I received my income forms, but Judge Lutrell told me this moring that he hasn't got his Va. one yet. He has to go to upper Michigan for a couple of weeks to settle some dispute, and is leaving early in Feb. He dreads the winter weather there, and I shall miss him.

Mrs. Paulson, one of the worm division, brought me a little while ago a packet of dandelion blossoms that she gathered. Just think, here it is the 24th of Jan and dandelions are still blooming. The lizard sits beside me in the sunny window, and when I offered him a blossom he seized it, much to her delight. Everyone likes him. He has just come down to me, as he does regularly after lunch, for his siesta which he has curled up in my top drawer. I must route him out and go home soon because if they have a parade up Penn. Ave for L.B.J. I shall be caught with no bus running this side of the avenue.

Best wishes,

with love,