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January 19, 1973
Dear Mother,

I am glad you finally got the radio. We had about decided that it had been stolen from the Post Office, and I think that from now on I will insure such items, since there is a fair amount of pilferage. The battery was the one sold with it and may last a month. When you replace it, you can get a titanium battery, which is a little more expensive but wears much longer. I used to listen to mine quite a lot if I woke up in the middle of the night or just before arising. In the middle of the night, at least here. there are all-night talk shows with all kinds of interesting guests being interviewed. We also have two or three all-news stations which give you a good news background with a good deal of variety. But I don't listen now because of not wanting to waken Dean.

He has made an effort to get a TV commercial job this week, having [[strikethrough]]:[[/strikethrough]] what amounts to a screen test on Monday and a reading on Tuesday. Coincidentally, the agency who tested him, the Ted Bates agency, is also auditioning for parts in the movie The Exorcist, of which we spoke in Washington (where part of it was being filmed); Dean found them on location filming on the West Side. Unfortunately, two events interrupted his plans: 1) In removing [[strikethrough]];[[/strikethrough]] a callus from his food he cut a hole in it (and it going to the clinic today) so that he couldn't locomote very well, and 2) our phone went out of order, and hasn't yet been repaired, although they promised to come yesterday. I won't dwell any longer on what might happen, but there are grounds for being hopeful. Also, he had the copies made of a picture he has had at one agency and had planned to go to other agencies (modeling) commercials) with these plus the nice resumes I got reproduced for him.

As you can see, I am a terrible typist, but get along. I just [[strikethrough]]also[[/strikethrough]] heard of a statistics job opening and applied for it, but can't hope too much. I shall redouble my efforts to find a good job, however.

Doris & Dean