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November 9, 1972

Dear Mother,

No, you need not send me a re-subscription to the "Readers' Digest", thank you.

Things are going well here except that I am having trouble finding a decent job. I am in touch, or signed up with, 3 or 4 agencies and have been on job interviews every day, almost. Peter is job interviewing now for a full-time book-keeping job. We are quite low in funds but will both be working soon (Peter and I, he contributing to the rent and food). Dean started a short story at 3:00 a.m. last night. Peter, who has known him 7-8 years, says he can knock out a saleable article in a day or two - to Esquire, or some such magazine. I'm knocking on wood. He realizes fully now he has to get on the ball and quit being the sick one, so I guess we shall have some money before long.

I don't think I can make it by Thanksgiving, but will definitely plan for Christmas. By then we should all be on our feet.

I hope you don't lose the maple tree.

We had 5.1" rain yesterday. I was out half the day on job interviews and got soaked,