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September 15, 1972

Dear Mother,

Please excuse my long silence. I have become involved in a veritable James Bond story from which I plan for Dee and I to escape soon -- about Tuesday, if all goes well. Plotting, codes, [[strikethrough]]spying[[/strikethrough]] tailing, bugs, etc., the whole works! And it was all my fault. I'll explain later.

When we get to where we're going (hopefully, Chicago), I'll write again. Please do not write to 213: our mail is regularly examined, phone tapped, etc. If you feel like playing our game, do write and say something about how you hope we are enjoying Puerto Rico (for forwarding).

We have done nothing wrong, there was a frame up. Dee has some minor sins to his name, but nothing of consequence. His lawyer will try to settle one monster's hash and I hope he puts him in the penetentiary [[penitentiary]], I plan to try to remove the phone bug as evidence tonight: I saw a picture of one on TV. The gentleman ([[Negri?]]) responsible is about to run out of the money I paid him to do something else entirely.

That's about it. I sleep little, but eat well. The M.D. recommended protein pills (4-5 at a meal and vitamin C pills (I cured a cold after no sleep in about 5 hours on about 15 pills (they came over 100 for $1.50)). Pa has been very sick but [[was and ? trusted]] sleeps a lot + will be well soon, I trust.


P.S. The money order was lost but not cashed; try to get your money back.