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28 July 1972

Dear Doris:

Your letter has me worried over you, - there was an excitable tone to it that I made me fearful you are overdoing and getting yourself ready for another spell. Don't for Heaven's sake work so hard and do so much. Let up, and go to your psychiatrist for some pills to calm you down. I hope you are able to sleep at night, and get at least 8 hours good rest. And as for your troubles at the publishing company swallow the criticism and don't write any more letters, - they hurt only you, and you don't want to get fired and leave with a bad ending, its hurting your reputation is what you should think of.

But I am delighted to think you are enjoying writing and having some real interest in life, and I hope that it amounts to something and you can get it published. What I read nowadays is mostly is mostly trashy stuff, it seems as if I haven't had a good book for ever so long, and the stuff in the maga-zines is even worse. Maybe it is because I am so old I can't adjust to the present things.

Our temp. has gone down from the 90s at last, but we have had no rain, and that continued heat dried up the ground and my garden. I've been lugging water -- I watered my tomatoes before coming in this morning. I hadn't been sleeping at all well, but got in a nap afternoon. I've got to take things easier, my blood pressure has been going up this summer. I have made an appointment to have a physical in Sept. - first the blood, etc. taking on the 7th, and on the 14th full exam. Dr. Ostergard the last time I saw him wanted me to come in September. Poor Alma is gone, and I went to her funeral Monday.

I trust that you can get the insurance to pay the surgeon's bills. Maybe with wearing that cotton in your nose you won't have to have another operation, that nature will assume more control and your nose go back to its usual shape, I hope so.

Now I must get to work.
With love,