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May 2, 1972

Dear Mother, 

Am feeling much better this week.  I rested all weekend.  Work is o.k.

I suppose you want those letters back you sent me?  I will enclose them next week, because I forgot to bring them with me (I usually write at work these days).

The weather is becoming springlike and I have finally gotten out of my winter coat.  They are continuing to beautify the city, and last week planted our entire area in young plane trees.  There are no leaves out yet, however, only the forsythia.  It has been a very late spring.

We have some new and interesting members in the PHP group and one lady, an old member, is giving a party for us soon.  I missed group last week but was glad to get back last night.  Had a good game of Scrabble before the meeting.

That's about all for this week.  Keep well.
