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5 August 1974

Dear Jack: 
I am writing to ask if you can get any information about the results of the autopsy they performed on Doris. I don't know to whom to write or I would do it myself. All I have is the [[underline]]Chief Medical Examiner of N.Y. [[/underline]] but I am not certain whether that is the one to whom to apply, and don't have any address for him other than New York. It seems as if there should be some record of the results by this time.

I am still getting called up about once a week by Dean Gardner, usually after I am fast asleep at night. The last time he wanted me to write a notorized letter to him giving him the authority to get the interest on Doris' savings accounts in the bank. I was so sleepy that I said I would just to get rid of him, but later I wrote to Mr. Oster telling him of the fellow's request, and that I realized that I had no authority to comply with it and asked if he would get in touch with Gardner and explain the matter to him. I hope I don't hear from him again, and I am tempted not to answer the telephone at all. But I can't help pitying him. 

I have started getting the attic cleared out of a lot of Sid's books and papers. I have gotten them down to the Museum and sold them to a natural history book store man. This man told me he would come out to Glebe Rd and get the rest, and for me not to try to get them down stairs, he would bring them, and do the hard work. I got rid of a chest of drawers that was full of Doris' little toys-I wish you lived nearer I would have given them to you, but I gave them to two men at the office here who have little children. I have investigated some of your things. There is a phonograph and some electric kitchen appliances. There is one box full of your shirts, many of which are brand new with the cardboards still in there. And many books. I hope that sometime you will come down and get them all. By the way, I recollected what was the first word that Doris spoke when she was a baby,-it was not Mama or Daddy, it was car! 

I trust all is well with you, - give my love to Carol and the little girl. 

As ever,