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As for other trustees, I can suggest [[?]] and [[??]], the Southworths (it has been many, many years since I heard anything of them but i think they knew Doris + cared for her), and Alan Talbert (if we can [[?]] him). Mr. Osten may have other suggestions. I am willing to be one of several, but remember that Doris did decide she wanted no more of me, and for the last five years has never over told me she wished she hadn't separated from me, so that to find me in charge of her money would be a terrible blow to her. I expect she would be furious and I can't altogether blame her. Think of the position that would put me in, with her after we day and night, if I were the sole trustee.

The law firm Mr. Osten works for is Sunny, [[Karosite?]], Greene and Seham, at 500 Fifth avenue, New York, N.Y. 10036. Their telephone number is (212) 239-7200: just ask for Mr. Osten. He has worked for Doris, he knows her, and he understands your problem. He also seems to be a good lawyer.

Anyhow, you look so well these days I think you'll outlive us all and the problem will become academic.


Jack Ullman