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Sept. 10, 1970

Dear Mrs. Blake:
I must apologize to you for not keeping in touch with you about my mother's visit. We did see Doris. As you must know by now, Doris is in very bad condition now. My mother did want to see you or at least call you but the thought of having to talk to you about this very sad subject caused us to put it off until my mother had left. She could only stay a week as she was planning another another visit soon after, to see my brother and his wife's sister's family in Texas. I hope she has written to you. I have now moved to: 

78 Ollshim [[?]] Green
Port Washington, N.Y. 11050

I hope you will write to me. Doris seems to be just as irrational now as she was two years ago. Having no work is no help. She needs something to give structure to her day and is never able to relax. Without work she just does things that are bad for her. 
I am terribly sorry that the cooperative apartment thing did not work out. I now deeply regret having advised lending her the money for it. I would guess that she acted strangely  [[?]] enough at her interview so they were afraid to let her have the place. Now she has this fantastic idea of suing them.
The best hope is that she will straighten out some in October, when she goes to school. I still keep in touch with her regularly.

Yours sincerely, 
P.S. If there were any way of getting her out of New York for a while, it would be a great help.