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perfectly good control of herself until she started taking amphetamines to control her weight - they were prescribed by a doctor. The first outburst of really odd behavior followed that. Then she went to a psychiatrist who gave her tranquilizers. Now she uses both, getting them from wherever she can. She always seems to find some doctor to prescribe them for her. For people like Doris it is a shame such things exist, because without them she seems to be fine and she just doesn't seem to be able to live without them.

I just talked to her on the telephone. I will see her Thursday. She does seem to be explosive. She does not have a car and I strongly advised her not to get one, since keeping one in this city is an awful burden (my annual insurance at the lowest rate for small car and safe driver is still over $300) and my car has been robbed eight times in the last year. In fact, the only reason I keep mine is the hope of moving out of town soon. Fortunately she agreed to this, though she still thinks of getting one once she is in her new apartment.
So, I don't have much good news for you. But still in the long run I am optimistic. I have now seen her go through four or five such periods and this is not by any means the worst. It is no use talking to her, she must act out whatever it is that is in her - and it is usually the kind of revolt that most people get through before they are 25. She will get in some kind of trouble and come to her senses. She never gets in really serious trouble: she has a good instinct of self-preservation and thank God for that. If she comes out in a nice, pleasant, well-guarded apartment, instead of her present little den where she fights off invasions of roaches from her less cleanly neighbors and the landlord won't fix the falling plaster, it may even be all to the good. 

I keep in touch with Doris all the time and I will tell you if there is any trouble. This one thing I have found out. There is no good in treating her like a child, even though she acts like one. She has faced disapproval all her life, from you and them from me, and now she insists on being taken on her own terms, however outlandish they may seem. There is a kind of logic in that, and I think I love her enough to let just go ahead and at least treat