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May 13, 1968

Dear Mrs. Blake:

I wish I had some good news for you. We could both use a little of that right now. About the only good thing about the present situation is that almost any development will at least give hope that things might get better. 

In fact, there is one good thing I can say. Doris does still have some good friends who are standing by her and looking out for her. Two of them called me tonight and asked about her. One is Rn. Kogan, who has been helping her in her career all along. He and his wife are keeping in touch with her. Pn. Kogan is a wonderful person who is a rock to lean on in an emergency, who never loses his head, and who has limitless patience, The other is an actor we know here, who is especially qualified, in an odd way, to reach her: he went through a psychotic episode in the last year. I helped him out then, going down to his place and listening to his [?] and trying to get him into some contact with reality. He is fine now, has a good job with a company that is going on town in a month or so (he had then decided to quit acting), and he therefore understands Doris in a way that none of us can. He is trying to reach her and talk to her. He really understands how she thinks as you and I can not, and is truly concerned for her. So Doris is not all alone in the world. 

I talked to her last night. She told me she had telephoned you, so I suppose you know in essence what she is doing now. I have her number - in case she didn't give it to you, it is 533-8657. How long this will last I can't tell, but I have a feeling that things are coming to a head. If George Stauch (the actor) pulled out of the horrifying state he was in for several months, I think Doris will come to her senses too. She has never been as badly off as he was.

It is probably best that you don't call her unless you feel you must - unless she gave you her number. She wants to guide out now. She has given her number to several people, who it seems to me she has chosen with what remains to her of good sense. They are people who are old friends, and who are very understanding and experienced,