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Mar. 5, 1968

Dear Mrs. Blake:
Thank you for your letter. The reasons why I did not contact you in Washington were, first, that I just didn't want to talk about this problem to anybody and second, that I didn't want to interfere in any way in the relationship between you two. Above all I did not want her to get the impression that you and I were somehow allied against her. She needs all the love and understanding she can get right now. She requires more understanding than I can give her. The best thing to do right now is leave her alone, let her do what she wants, and let her see where it gets her. I think she will be all right. We may even get together again, but not soon, and not until there is a real change in her way of living. Rest assured on one thing: she is protecting her money, yours above all. Yours is very safely invested and I know she regards it as a thing not to touch.
We have become legally separated and we won't live together anymore, at least for the time being. We both want this. This is not the result of a few words spoken in anger, but rather of about four years of increasing strain.
I expect to see you in April. By then things will have shaken down some and we will know where we are. You have my sympathy in the troubles you are living through now.