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Dec. 13, 1968

Dear Mrs. Blake:

Please excuse this late reply to your letter but I have been terribly busy lately. I had promised some friends of mine here to be at an old European celebration of Christmas long ago and when I received your letter I called them to ask if they really meant it, and they did, Christmas tree with candles and all. Since I seem to be the only guest I can not in good conscience say no now. However, I will drive down the first thing in the morning the day after Christmas to join you. Since Doris seems to have the time after Christmas free, this should work out not too badly. We will be able to spend a few days with you and I can fix things around the house and drive Doris back with me. Let me know now what has to be done so I can bring the necessary things. Madame Wu always approves of families being together so she should give me no trouble.

Doris gave me dinner last Sunday night and she was all right then. The last few times I have called her she seemed to be unhappy about something but she didn't want to talk about it; anyhow she seems to be getting along all right. I will call her early in the morning (which is the best time to find her home and in good spirits) to make sure she is all right. It is not long before Chrismas now and I look forward to seeing you then.

