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Fri. Aug 2nd 1918
Left Ringwood 9.15.
Cornwall Lucy’s House 10.40
Away at Southampton
Saw House

Kingston Eagle House 12
Clean, common could stay.

Through lovely fruit'd 
country river or [[?]] 
West Park fine [[enhance?]] 
& [[?]] farm buildings
Very wonderful order 
probably West Park [[?]] 
by Mrs Bingham niece 
of Col. Payne.  Looked 
worth seeing.
Came all way through 
lovely fruit country. grape 
vines on one trellis planted 
with currants in same 
rows & between a raspberry 
strawberries, or pears & peaches.

Left Kingston 1.40 right 
side of Ashokan reservoir 
through Phoenicia etc up 
a beautiful valley & then