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Sat Aug 3. 1918 
Left hotel 9.15  Up left side of Lake to Hyde Hall  
Mrs. Clark showed us 
every thing Built 1810. Cut stone quarried 12 miles away. English Georgian story & half; Palladian portico with [[House??]] function above & open semicircular 
window. Entrance Hall shut off from semi oval stairs. Drawing room & dining room either side palatial with curved vaulting - large oblong flat panel. Beautiful stucco friezes. In hall feather & rosette. Drawing room feather, vase & garlands  
Remarable panelled surface  Passage along back. First house now forms a wing looking South up Lake. Some of original furniture Well worth seeing. Mrs 
Clark & Miss Ryerson d of Arthur Ryerson who lunched with us

Transcription Notes:
1. Fixed formatting. NOTE to newer transcribers: Do not match original line breaks. 2. Changed "Cut flint" to "Cut stone" - the house is built of stone 3. Pretty sure "House portion" is not correct but can't figure out what it should be. I believe the second word begins with "f" based on handwriting elsewhere.