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Richfield Springs all torn 
up. Jordanville to Henderson 
Mrs Douglas Robinson 
Charming reception amid 
children - grand children - 
guests. Tennis. Mr R - Mr 
Budjes riding. Mrs Parsons 
Mrs Colby & [[?]]. French 
officer. House built 1830. 
Grey stone. Semi circular 
bays either side of entrance
Wings – Georgian porticos 
in angles. Circular projection 
[[?]] looking over Mohawk 
Valley. Ford family portraits 
17th cent-on. 2 copies Ruebens. 
2 by Jervis. Several by his 
Son [[strikethrough]] equally [[/strikethrough]] almost as good

Lunch  Left 2.30.  Cooperstown 
3.30.  Left 4.P.M.

Schenectady Hotel Mohawk 
looked modern - clean.
Saratoga.  Grand Union 
Hotel 8.15 P.M