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Sunday Aug 4. 1918

Saratoga. Cloudy.  A.M in Hotel. Papers.  Sewing.
After lunch Erskine golfed with Lee.  Drove to see Spencer Trask garden. Will be fine in 50 years.  Formal garden in park.  Wrote paper for Wed Aft Club.

Monday August 5, 1918

Left Saratoga 8.30 via Glen's Falls, Fort Ann up lovely valley to Fair Haven Hotel Allen modern looked clean - passable.  All dirt roads 
in Vermont very slippy to Orville 11.AM as it had 

Orville Old Empire farm house built 70 years ago 
fine empire ornament - 2 houses - panelled ceilings 
[[?]] & arrangement inside.  On road to 
Larrabees Point - Mont Calm Ferry to Ticonderoga 
Sudbury Hyde Manor Hotel. 

Transcription Notes:
Spencer Trask garden in Saratoga