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Fri Nov. 1. 1919
Left Ringwood 1.45. Newburgh 
2.45. Fishkill Landing 3.P.M. 
Stockbridge Havens 7.30
Rained last part of way. 
Sat. Nov. 2. Town. Miss Tuckerman 
Lovely furniture & house & 
grounds kept up by Golf Club 
English view over river with 
meadows elms & willows

Left 10.30 by Egremont & Claverck [[Claverack] 
to Tivoli  Lunched with 
Redmonds.  Lovely view of 
river.  Some good furniture 
& china  House early 1900 
with columns altered in 
the sixties. Old papers & 
letters. Saw farm

Left 3 P.M. Kinderhook 
& Lindenwald 5. Magnificent 
house, fine woodwork. Old 
French Wallpaper after 
H. Vernet.

Rained. Back by Gray 
road 7.30

Sun Nov. 3  Rained all night 
Cleared in A.M.  Cold  Left