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July 13. 1920 Tuesday
Left Ringwood 12.45 picked 
Amy up 1.30. Stockbridge 
7.P.M. Bad road from 
Millerton to Lakeville.

Wed July 14. Sat around all A.M. 
Lunch 12.30  Left 1.30 via 
South Lee Jacob's Ladder
Springfield Worcester Boston 
7.30 Chilton Club. Amy 
very tired. No dinner. 
Abominably hot, almost 
as bad as night at New 

Thurs. July 15.
Left Cooper Mine girl in 
charge of Dec Art. Left 10.A.M. 
Drove around [[--men?]], met 
Mrs Weld. Revere Beach 
Nahant, Salem, drove 
Amy around. Lunched 
with Appletons at Ipswich 
1.30. Fanny Franck, Jimmy 
Budd, Mr & Mrs Wendell.
Arrived Hotel Wentworth 5 PM
Caravanserai. Met a

Transcription Notes:
Cooper Mine - One of the Ringwood group of mines caravanserai = a roadside inn where travelers could rest and recover from the day's journey.